1300 70 80 80    sales@flashnumbers.com.au

Free Search 1000's Of Custom 1800 Phone Numbers

Buy A Custom 1800 Phone Number From Just $400

Here you can search for the right memorable 1800 number, 1800 phone word or business branded 1800 number.

Purchasing your own custom 1800 phone number starts at $400 + GST based upon the number quality.

To find your ideal custom 1800 phone number use our free 1800 number search form below.

Q. What is a Flash number ?

A Flash Number is a hand-picked Toll-Free (1800) or Local-Call (1300) number purposely selected with digits to make it more super memorable to consumers. For example, 1300 70 80 80.

Q. Who can host a 1300/1800 Flash Number?

Unlike our nearest Phone Word competitor, we permit the hosting of a 1300 or 1800 Flash number with any Telco Provider.